Wednesday, March 25, 2009

JOKE...not just a JOKE-2

When you are seriously with someone, but he/she say:"Haha...just kidding!" At that moment, you can't do anything. At last just keep everything inside...inside your heart. Don't show everything on your face, but express in different way. When someone make a joke, but over the level set...the people involve might angry and no more excuse there. Then he/she say:"hey, this a joke. Kidding around only." This is definitely same with a murderer kill the people. Afterwards, just say:" sorry, I shouldn't murder you."However, everything happen already. Cannot go back to the initial point. Just as a needle, with its head and tail. When the joke just a joke, its like the head of needle, wouldn't hurt. Just feel nothing. But when the joke not just a joke, then the hurt in heart will be forever. Never meet its end point. I like joking with people. Feel so sorry if people don't agree with my joke way. Just a joke. Don't take it in serious way.


  1. wa!!! r u saying me?
    bcoz i alway joke de... sorry lo...

  2. haha
    no la
    not for anyone
    just shout out my point of view
    simply post only
    dun think too much
