Wednesday, July 8, 2009


While the world keep changing...I still be the same. Still the one who can't ever proceed through its way. Just can't even do a little more than which people called ability. We should act due to our ability. This is the old phase. Is it really so? When there is a feeling tell can't do it....just give up. Maybe the heart still making wish. Just find out maybe its not true. But I strongly believe that each fact happen when we are not realize how is it happen. Naturally...only the reason I can give. At that moment, we able to heal the condition. I'm trying my best now. But still not work at all. Hard to hand over it. Just stay away...keep a distance....The feeling is gone. I don't know how to get it back. Or I never own it? Live in a complete fog life. I don't know why. When asking can I.....I hope the answer is...yes I do. Show me the smile...means I get it. No response....then burns me up. Let the past be the past. Everything is new for me now. I'm feeling strange. I'm feeling fresh. Start with another new life. Something gone. Nothing will just stop and waiting for you....

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